
Often times life will throw you a bunch of problems at one time, and after it sees you’ve had enough and your spirit is tired, the issues may slow down, but the fight will resume after you’ve decided to get back up. I believe this is because life is a game of resilience, it wants…

Strengthen your boundaries and save your time.

Stop letting temporary discomfort, keep you in permanently unhealthy situations Jazmin Martinez Someone else’s comfort is not worth my peace, I am the observer of my life, and it is my responsibility to make sure what I’m experiencing on a daily basis is enjoyable! As I get older, I realize how important it is to…

Strengthen your boundaries and save your time.

Stop letting temporary discomfort, keep you in permanently unhealthy situations Jazmin Martinez Someone else’s comfort is not worth my peace, I am the observer of my life, and it is my responsibility to make sure what I’m experiencing on a daily basis is enjoyable! As I get older, I realize how important it is to…

Release control and delegate

The older I get the more I realize it takes maturity to ask for help, It takes self awareness to know my limits, and wisdom to acknowledge it’s time to delegate somethings. I don’t burn myself out anymore trying to do everything, trust me when I say reclaiming my time is worth the money. So…

The audacity of the ignorant

Frankly I’m flabbergasted everyday by the boldness and ignorance of unsolicited advice! Being a stay home mom can surprisingly bring a lot of unexpected belittling from the most, unqualified, inexperienced, lack of empathy ass people. I find myself offended that people would think this full time 24/7 job, is simply a walk in the park,…